This weekend I had the honor of co-hosting my friend
Whitney's baby shower. She's having a baby girl next month, and girl babies always make baby shower a breeze- frills, pink, and anything adorable!! When I started researching for the theme I wanted to do for Whitney, I knew I wanted it to be special and different! Whitney has a love for fancy things [you should see this babies nursery!], personalized touches and cool fabrics!
On Pinterest I saw an adorable party that was a brunch and I thought JACKPOT! My brain started running and I had the whole thing planned in my head in like 20 minutes.... now I just had to execute it!
I decided to go with deep purple and bright pink, with a chevron pattern thrown around here and there. The pattern is shown down below behind the menu
The menu was so much fun to create since there are so many things that can be involved with a brunch! I knew I wanted everything to be bite-size and miniature, just to add to the cuteness factor. Below is the menu I used.....

I used the fabric image as a bounce-off point and started creating my food labels to coordinate. There was some really pretty deep purple damask ribbon at Hobby Lobby I used to attach my food labels to. I like making food labels that hang from the platters the food is on instead of labels on a stand or something similar.

I'm not going to post the shower pics quite yet but I'll leave you with this little teaser. :-) See you soon!